The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) is a state agency responsible for conducting examinations for recruitment to various posts in the state government of Tamil Nadu. The TNPSC exam is a highly competitive exam and is taken by lakhs of candidates every year.
The TNPSC exam consists of two stages: The Preliminary Examination and the Main Examination. The Preliminary Examination is a qualifying examination, and only those candidates who qualify in the Preliminary Examination are eligible to appear for the Main Examination.
The Main Examination is divided into two parts: Part I and Part II. Part I is a general examination, while Part II is a subject-specific examination. The subjects for Part II vary depending on the post applied for.
The TNPSC exam is conducted in two languages: Tamil and English. The medium of examination is decided by the candidate at the time of filling the application form.
The syllabus for the TNPSC exam is set by the TNPSC and is available on the TNPSC website. The syllabus is revised every year, and candidates are advised to check the latest syllabus before starting their preparation.
The TNPSC exam is a challenging exam, but it is also a rewarding exam. The salaries and benefits offered by the state government are very attractive, and the job security is excellent.